For Release: Thursday - September 8, 2016
Wisconsin voters are demanding to know where candidates for federal public office stand on democracy reform solutions and several Wisconsin congressional candidates, including Democratic US Senate nominee Russ Feingold, have heard voters’ calls and answered the "Who Will Fight Big Money" questionnaire.
Launched by a coalition of national democracy reform groups and led by Common Cause, the "Who Will Fight Big Money" campaign is a nonpartisan effort to get congressional candidates from across the country on the record on solutions that will bring balance to our democracy, including increasing political spending disclosure, overturning Citizens United, enacting citizen-funded election systems, and reducing barriers to the ballot box. Since the campaign’s launch, nearly 40,000 people have visited WhoWillFightBigMoney.org, and thousands have sent emails and tweets to candidates urging them to fill out the questionnaire.
“Every Wisconsin congressional candidate should listen to voters and fill out this questionnaire,” says Common Cause in Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck. “This campaign lays out a common sense agenda that voters in both parties support and are demanding to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and that candidates are able to focus on the needs of everyday voters instead of those of just the big donors.”
Wisconsin congressional candidates who have filled out the questionnaire in addition to Democratic US Senate nominee Russ Feingold include Democratic challengers Khary Penebaker (5th CD), Sarah Lloyd (6th CD), and Mary Hoeft (7th CD). You can find all completed questionnaires by Wisconsin congressional candidates at:
If your incumbent U.S. House Member and/or challenger have not yet answered these questions, demand that they do so. You have a right to know and they have the duty and responsibility to respond.

Jay Heck
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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