For Release: Tuesday - September 24, 2019
A Reminder that Participation is Key to a Healthy Democracy
We urge Wisconsinites to take a few moments today to stop and think about what National Voter Registration Day actually means – and why now, more than ever, it's so important to take steps to honor this day.
A healthy democracy represents the views of the many, not the few.
In order for "the many" to have our say, we must have access to the the ballot box – and to do this, we must register to vote.
So make sure right now that you're registered to vote at your current address, and then ask friends, family members – anyone you come across – if they are registered, too.
To find out if you are registered to vote at your current address, go to and enter your name and date of birth. If you discover that you are not already registered to vote at your current residence, here are some ways you can register today:
Online. Eligible voters in Wisconsin who have a valid Wisconsin driver license or a Wisconsin DMV-issued ID can register online at up to 20 days before the election in which they are planning to vote.
By Mail. You can start your voter registration form online at – then print, sign and mail it to your municipal clerk along with a proof of residence (POR) document.
In your Municipal Clerk’s Office. You can also register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the 5pm (or close of business) on the Friday before the election in which you are planning to vote. You'll need to bring a proof of residence document to complete your registration (this document can be shown electronically).
And again, don't forget to make sure that anyone you know who is eligible to vote is also registered.
Do you need help registering to vote – or more information about how to help others register?
Partner organizations – including our friends at the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and many local Leagues – are holding voter registration events in areas across the state today and are happy to help! You can find National Voter Registration events near you by going here and entering your zip code.
Remember, National Voter Registration Day is not about paying attention for just this one day, but rather, it is a day meant to highlight an important step that all eligible voters must take to preserve and protect our democracy.
Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach
Jay Heck
Executive Director
608/256-2686 (o)
608/512-9363 (c)

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