For Release: Tuesday - May 5, 2020
Prepare Now How to Vote in 2020 in This Current Pandemic Environment
Consider Voting by Absentee Ballot This Fall & in the
Special Election May 12th in the 7th C.D.
Special Election May 12th in the 7th C.D.
Every election matters so here's how you can be prepared to vote in the remaining scheduled elections for 2020.
Those who live in the 7th Congressional District (portions of northern and central Wisconsin) will vote in a special election on Tuesday, May 12 to elect the member of the House of Representatives to replace the seat vacated by former U.S. Representative Sean Duffy. You can get details about this election from that include your polling location, absentee voting options, what is on your ballot, and information about photo ID needed to vote. You can also register to vote on Election Day. You must request a mailed absentee ballot by Thursday, May 7th and it must be returned to the clerk to be at your polling location to be counted by Election Day, May 12th.
Then all of Wisconsin will cast ballots in the fall elections scheduled for August 11, (the partisan primaries) and November 3, (the general election). These elections will determine federal and state representation.
Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 and its impact on events scheduled later this year please consider requesting a mailed absentee ballot for both the August and November elections. Your request can be made today through so you are all set for the fall to receive both your August and November ballots by mail. Signing up is easy.
How to request an absentee mailed ballot
Go to and click on the "Vote Absentee" icon. Enter your name and birthdate. Click "Request an Absentee Ballot" and then select all the 2020 Elections. Finally, you'll have to upload an image of your acceptable ID for voting. (For example, your Wisconsin issued drivers license is an acceptable ID to vote. You can not simply take a picture of yourself and send that. Your request will be rejected without a clear picture of your acceptable photo ID.)
For more information about a photo ID for voting – and how to get a free ID if you don't have an ID acceptable for voting – see our downloadable voter ID fact sheet. Or visit the Wisconsin Election Commission's voter photo ID website: Bring It to the Ballot. If you do not have an acceptable photo ID for voting and need help getting one, contact this statewide Voter ID Hotline Numbers: 608/285-2141 or 414/882-8622.
If you are planning to vote in person at the polls, please take care. Follow social distancing guidelines for your and others' safety.

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If you already have a Wisconsin driver license or one of the other acceptable forms of ID for voting, then you're "ID ready." Just remember to bring it with you when you head to your polling place.
What if you don't have an acceptable ID for voting on Election Day?
You can ask for AND vote with a provisional ballot. But, for your ballot to be counted, you MUST either come back to your polling place with an acceptable form of ID before it closes at 8:00 pm on Election Day OR bring your ID to your municipal clerk's office by 4:00 pm the Friday after the election.
Are you registered to vote?
Before you head out to the polls, check to see that you are registered to vote at your current address. If you are not, be sure to bring a proof of residence document (hard copy or electronic on your cell phone or tablet) when you go to your polling location so that you can register there.
Democracy requires our constant participation and engagement. Please take your opportunities to strengthen the health of democracy in our state. Get ready and vote!

Jay Heck
Executive Director
608/256-2686 (office)
608/512-9363 (cell)
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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