For Release: Sunday - November 6, 2016
With the presidential election just two days away, are you ready to vote? How about your friends, neighbors... every eligible voter you know?

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If you already have a Wisconsin driver license or one of the other acceptable forms of ID for voting, then you're "ID ready." Just remember to bring it with you when you head to your polling place!
If you or someone you know does NOT have an acceptable ID for voting and needs help getting one at your local DMV so you can vote in Tuesday's election, contact our partners at VoteRiders at one of these two voter ID hotline numbers for assistance: (608) 729-7720 or (414) 882-8622.
What if you don't have an acceptable ID for voting on Election Day?
You can ask for AND vote with a provisional ballot. But, for your ballot to be counted, you MUST either come back to your polling place with an acceptable form of ID before it closes at 8:00 pm on Election Day OR bring your ID to your municipal clerk's office by 4:00 pm the Friday after the Election (November 11th).
Are you a college student planning to use your student ID for voting?
If you do not have one of the other forms of photo ID pictured above, and you are a college student hoping to use your student ID and a proof of enrollment document as your "voter ID," look up your school NOW on the appropriate list linked below to see if your current student ID is an acceptable form of ID for voting. If your student ID cannot be used for voting, you can find out if a separate school-issued "voter photo ID" is available and how to get one.
  University of Wisconsin – 4-Year Schools
  University of Wisconsin – 2-Year Schools
  Wisconsin Private Universities & Colleges
  Wisconsin Technical Colleges
Are you registered to vote?
Before you head out to the polls, check to see that you are registered to vote at your current address. If you are not, be sure to bring a proof of residence document (hard copy or electronic on your cell phone or tablet) when you go to the polls on Tuesday so that you can register there.
Do you need a ride to the polls?

CC/WI has both identified and recruited organizations and individual volunteers across the state willing to offer free rides to the polls.The latest list of free ride options is available on our website here.
If you are interested in being a driver or know of any groups in your area offering this service on Election Day, please contact CC/WI by email so that we can add them to our list!
Make sure you're ready to make your voice heard!
Visit the Voting Resources page on for more on voting in Wisconsin.
Sandra Miller
Director of Information Services & Outreach
Common Cause in Wisconsin
152 W. Johnson St., Suite 212
Madison, WI 53703
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